We bring you the most sophisticated technology in a range of hearing solutions, with price options to fit your budget.
A new generation of hearing aids
Hearing aid choice
As consumers, we love choices. But choice applies to much more than the everyday products we enjoy. It also can be important for your health and quality of life. Hearing health care is a great example of this. Besides the fact that no two hearing losses are the same, individual preferences and lifestyles affect their listening needs.
Styles and types of hearing aids
Easy to control
Behind-The-Ear (BTE)
It fits on top and around the outer ear and connects to a custom earpiece within the ear.
This option is great for people with almost all types all hearing loss.
About: Typically one of the largest hearing aid styles, BTEs offer the most power of hearing aid styles. Some miniature versions are available.
Is it right for me? A durable, versatile style, BTEs use advanced technology to perform exceptionally well everywhere, including noisy listening environments. As a result, they are great for even the most active lifestyles.

Receiver-In-Canal (RIC)
Much smaller than BTEs, these styles fit comfortably and securely in your ear.
This option is great for people with nearly all hearing losses except the most significantly impaired.
About: RICs are a popular choice that uses thin micro-tubes to provide excellent comfort and minimize the “plugged” feeling sometimes experienced with hearing aids.
Is it right for me? RICs are discreet, comfortable, and one of the most advanced hearing aid styles. They work well even in noisy listening environments and are appropriate for even the most active lifestyles.

Easy to control
In-The-Ear (ITE)
A one-piece custom-made hearing aid fills all or part of your ear.
This option is great for people with mild to severe hearing loss.
About: ITEs fit comfortably and securely within the inner part of your ear. They are large enough to have optional controls added so you can adjust the volume as desired.
Is it right for me? Larger-sized ITEs are easy to control even if you have dexterity issues. On the other hand, they occasionally pick up more background noise, so if you prefer small gatherings or one-on-one conversations, ITEs are a good choice.

In-The-Canal (ITC)
A smaller custom-molded hearing aid that is fitted directly in the ear canal.
This option is great for people with mild to moderately-severe hearing loss.
About: Smaller and less visible than the larger ITEs, ITCs fit comfortably in your inner ear. Because they are small, ITCs don’t have as many control options as BTEs and ITEs.
Is it right for me? ITCs are a good choice if you want a one-piece style that is easy to manipulate, but you want more discretion than an ITE offers. If your lifestyle is less active and you prefer small-group interactions with friends and family, ITCs work well.

Completely-In-The-Canal (CIC)
A minimal custom design that fits the most deeply in the ear canal.
This option is great for people with mild to moderate hearing loss.
About: One of the least visible styles, CICs, are placed securely deep within your ear. Lightweight and custom-fit, they are designed to help you hear in challenging listening environments.
Is it right for me? A good choice if you want a hearing aid that is nearly undetectable. As with other styles that fit into the ear, you may experience a “plugged” feeling. Because they are so small, CICs do not offer as many technologically advanced features.

Hearing aid solutions
No single hearing solution is right for everyone — which helps explain why hearing aids come in several brands and hundreds of models.
The Union Plus hearing program gives you and your family access to hearing aids featuring the latest technology from the top brands including Amplifon (via Miracle Ear), Oticon, Phonak, Resound, Rexton, Signia, Sonic, Starkey, Unitron and Widex.
Choice and satisfation
Because Amplifon Hearing Health Care is independently owned and operated, our hearing care providers are empowered to fit any available brand and model of hearing aid to address your unique hearing and lifestyle needs most cost-effectively. In addition, with the Union Plus hearing program, you’re assured of receiving high-quality care from a provider near you in the setting that best fits you and your comfort level.
How much do hearing aids cost?
The cost of hearing aids can vary significantly, depending on technology levels, number of advanced features and other factors. Although this comparison isn't perfect, it's a bit like buying a car - the more capabilities, performance features and options you want, the higher the price. Many people are concerned about the cost of new hearing aids, but you can improve your purchasing power by following these five things:
1. Choose a hearing solution fit for you.
Today’s most advanced hearing aids, which can cost a few thousand dollars or more, are generally designed for people who lead active lifestyles and/or find themselves in very demanding listening situations, such as busy restaurants. But maybe you spend most of your time in quieter environments and in one-on-one conversations with friends. If so, you may be perfectly happy with a hearing solution that has fewer “bells and whistles.”
Our experienced and conscientious hearing care provider will focus on tailoring a hearing solution to your specific needs and preferences, so you pay only for what you need.